Fabric paint, cloth, 2013.
Fabric paint, cloth, 2013. My Mom got this bag in the mail as part of a fundraising campaign. I didn’t think it was right to use the bag as it was, and I also didn’t want to throw it out. I asked myself “what message could the bag have that would be the opposite of appropriation? How could the bag reflect solidarity?" I used fabric paint to cover up the dream catcher and paint this message of solidarity instead.
This quilt is a project of Wolfie E Rawk. Through monthly quilting bees, queers and allies in Philadelphia met each month to contribute to a themed quilt. For this piece, each artist designed a quilt square around the theme of gay. Mine is the re-purposed bra.
fabric, recycled bra, 2010.
fabric, recycled bra, 2010.
fabric, recycled bra, 2010.
This quilt is a project of Wolfie E Rawk. Through monthly quilting bees, queers and allies in Philadelphia met each month to contribute to a themed quilt. For this piece, each artist designed a quilt square around the theme of home. Mine is the nesting doll.
fabric, paint, 2010.
fabric, paint, 2010.
Handmade patch, 2008.