Pen, 2013. One of a set of six posters I made in March 2013 for protests in Philly against massive budget cuts and the closing of 23 schools while the city is spending $400 million to build a new prison.

Pen, 2013. One of a set of six posters I made in March 2013 for protests in Philly against massive budget cuts and the closing of 23 schools while the city is spending $400 million to build a new prison.

Pen, 2013. One of a set of six posters I made in March 2013 for protests in Philly against massive budget cuts and the closing of 23 schools while the city is spending $400 million to build a new prison.

Paper, sharpie, 2012. Made in collaboration with Ian Smith, Joanna Grim & Xander Rioh. Created for protest outside venue where PA's Governor Corbett was speaking in Philadelphia.

Paper, sharpie, 2012. Made in collaboration with Ian Smith, Joanna Grim & Xander Rioh. Created for protest outside venue where PA's Governor Corbett was speaking in Philadelphia.

Paper, sharpie, 2012. Made in collaboration with Ian Smith, Joanna Grim & Xander Rioh. Created for protest outside venue where PA's Governor Corbett was speaking in Philadelphia.

Paper mache, paint, 2012. Made in collaboration with Layne Mullet, Lyle Kash, Miki, and Sarah Small for BBQ not Bars event.

Paper mache, paint, 2012. Made in collaboration with Layne Mullet, Lyle Kash, Miki, and Sarah Small for BBQ not Bars event.

Paper mache, paint, 2012. Made in collaboration with Layne Mullet, Lyle Kash, Miki, and Sarah Small for BBQ not Bars event.

Fabric, paint, 2012. Banner made in collaboration with Em Schlotterbeck for Summer Camp Dance party.

Fabric, paint, 2012. Banner made in collaboration with Em Schlotterbeck for Summer Camp Dance party.

Cardboard and paint, 2011. Created for Slutwalk Philly.

Cardboard, paper, paint, tape, sharpie, 2010. Giant pens made in collaboration with Chaska Sofia for RAGE (Riders Against Gender Exclusion) Riders' Bill of Rights launch.

Cardboard, paper, paint, tape, sharpie, 2010. Giant pens made in collaboration with Chaska Sofia for RAGE (Riders Against Gender Exclusion) Riders' Bill of Rights launch.

Ink on fabric, 2010. Patches made for Rising Tide sit-in at Army Corps of Engineers office at Appalachia Rising.

Ink on fabric, 2010. Patches made for Rising Tide sit-in at Army Corps of Engineers office at Appalachia Rising.

Ink on fabric, 2010. Patches made for Rising Tide sit-in at Army Corps of Engineers office at Appalachia Rising.

Ink on fabric, 2010. Patches made for Rising Tide sit-in at Army Corps of Engineers office at Appalachia Rising.

Chocolate cake, 2010. Created in collaboration with Amy Wilson for Region 3 EPA staff after they vetoed Arch Coal Co.’s permit for the Spruce No.1 mine in Logan County, West Virginia.

Cardboard, paint, sharpie, 2010. Made in collaboration with Amy Wilson. Giant checks created for Fossil Fools Day protest against PNC bank's investments in mountaintop removal coal mining.

Foam board, paint, 2009. Created in collaboration with Joanna Grim and Pavel Momontov for Jobs with Justice rally in support of Allied Barton security guards at Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Cardboard, paper mache, paint, 2008. For protest against agribusiness at Chicago Board of Trade

Cardboard, paper mache, paint, 2008. For protest against agribusiness at Chicago Board of Trade

Illustration for silk screen, Powershift 2007. Unfortunately I do not have any photos of the prints from this.