TullyTillyRose&Milly is
Robin Markle
I'm an artist living in West Philadelphia and striving to use art as an agent for social change . I am interested in art as means to illustrate complex systems of injustice, politics and economics. I also enjoy making popular art for social movements. I'm queer and I love to talk about gender and explore themes of gender/sexuality through art.
I am a coordinator for the Philly Childcare Collective and a member of the Intergalactic Conspiracy of Childcare Collectives. I am an active member of Decarcerate PA, and the Marginal Notes study group/coven. I am a member and former officer of the Life Center Association. Before we won our campaign, I was a member of Philly RAGE.

Some things I have done & can do:
Make a flyer, sign, or prop for your event
I would love to help you design images or props for your event! You can check out some examples of my drawings, prints and props below. I have experience with drawing flyers, making signs, designing and painting banners, silkscreening signs and patches, and designing postcards. I have also made large props out of paper mache and/or cardboard.
You can check out more of my work on my drawings, prints and protest art pages.
Lead an art workshop
I have been a community college teacher and a professional facilitator for youth and adults. I'm a member of the Philly Childcare Collective and I like hanging out with kids. I have been a private childcare provider on and off for 15 years. I enjoy facilitating workshops for children and/or adults. Here are a few workshops I have given, but also know that that is only a small sample of what is possible. I am available to talk to you about the needs and desires of your group and design a workshop specifically for you.
Breaking the Big Box with Tot Metz
Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI. June 21, 2013.
Imagining the Future of Education with Jenna Peters-Golden
Girls Rock Philly, Philadelphia, PA. May 15, 2013.
Make a Book, Make a Future with Ileana Méndez-Peñate & Evan Bissell
Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI. June 29, 2012.
Please click here for a full list of workshops I have facilitated.
Write an Essay or Song
I enjoy writing. Here are some samples of things I have written. I also play ukulele and I enjoy callaborating with other musicians. I can also maybe write a song for you, let me know what you want!
Celebrating the 38th Anniversary of Roe v Wade in a City in Mourning, Bursting at the Seams, 1/22/11
Reflections on Appalachia Rising, Philly Rising Tide Blog, 10/5/10
It's Not About You #1: “Effectively” Calling Out Patriarchy, SDS Womyn's Caucus Blog, 2/3/09
More of my writing is available on my writing page.

To hire me for a project, please contact me using this form or e-mail